At TicketFit, our traffic ticket lawyer has dismissed thousands of speeding tickets. But how do you beat a speeding ticket in Florida?
While a speeding ticket can have serious consequences on your driving record, here are four steps you can take to beat it:
STEP 1. Always Contest Your Speeding Ticket
If you get a speeding ticket in Florida you have 30-days to answer it by selecting one of the following three options:
- Pay the fine
- Elect traffic school, or
- Request a court date
While the first two options may seem enticing, if you want to get your ticket dismissed, you have to request a court date.
STEP 2. Prepare for your Pre-Trial Hearing
There is a misconception that the only way to beat a speeding ticket is if the officer doesn’t show up to court. While it is true that this can get your ticket dismissed, it is not the only way.
In Florida, you have two opportunities to get your ticket dismissed, at your pre-trial hearing and at trial. While the officer does not attend pre-trial, many traffic tickets get dismissed at this hearing. How? PREPARATION!
A good traffic ticket attorney, such as TicketFit, will review your speeding ticket in detail, looking for errors or omissions on the ticket. A wrong statue, incorrect driver’s license, or other issue can result in a dismissal at pre-trial.
So do your research! How many miles over the limit did the officer allege you were speeding? Does this correspond to the correct Florida statute? Did the officer specify a speed measuring device?
If you find any discrepancies, you need to let the judge know at your pre-trial hearing. If you cannot get your speeding ticket dismissed at pre-trail, read on.
STEP 3. Don’t Accept Deals at Pre-Trial
As stated, most counties in Florida give you two chances to beat your ticket, at pre-trial or at trial.
This is where a good traffic ticket lawyer, such as TicketFit, comes in handy. At TicketFit, our attorney will attend as many hearings as necessary to increase your chances of a winning. Do the same if you are representing yourself.
If you cannot get your speeding ticket dismissed at pre-trial, don’t accept any offers from the judge and request a trial.
STEP 4. Prepare for Trial
While you wait for your trial date, continue preparing. One area to focus on is the Florida Statute section written on the ticket. This is the law the officer claims you violated, so research it and learn what the officer will need to establish at trial to justify the ticket.
For example, what if you had to temporarily speed to avoid a crash? Under Florida Statute 316.183, speeding “may be necessary to avoid colliding with any person, vehicle, or other conveyance or object.”
So if this was the statute the officer wrote down on your speeding ticket, the statute allows for changes in speed in certain situations.
Our Florida Speeding Ticket Lawyer Can Help You
While you can beat your speeding ticket following the steps above, you should consider contacting our experienced traffic ticket attorney.
At TicketFit, our ticket attorney has challenged thousands of speeding tickets in Florida. He has the required skills to find those errors at pre-trial, and if necessary, prepare a solid defense for trial.
Call us now at (305) 775-3720 or send us an email for a free consultation. We represent all counties in Florida, including Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, and more. Otherwise, good luck in court!