At TicketFit, our traffic ticket attorney has handled hundreds of suspension cases. And while no one should knowingly drive with a suspended license, a suspension can occur for various reasons. For example, not carrying insurance, excessive points, or a D6 suspension.
What is a D6 Suspension
A D6 suspension is a court ordered suspension caused by an outstanding traffic ticket.
When you are issued a ticket in Florida, you have 30 days to select one of the following three options: pay the fine, attend traffic school, or request a court date.
If you fail to satisfy your ticket, the court will instruct the Florida Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) in Tallahassee to suspend your driver’s license.
Reasons for a D6 Suspension
1. You failed to pay your traffic ticket. If you decide to pay your ticket, you must do so within the 30-day deadline or risk a suspension. In addition, after 90 days unpaid, your traffic ticket will go to a collection agency.
IMPORTANT: Because paying a traffic ticket is an admission of guilt resulting in points, we don’t recommend you select this option.
2. You failed to attend traffic school. If you elect traffic school, you must mail the certificate of completion to the courthouse within 30 days. If you forget, the court will deem you guilty of the traffic offense, impose points, and order a D6 suspension.
3. You failed to attend court. If you received a criminal traffic ticket, a ticket which requires court appearance (such as speeding 30 miles over the limit), or you decided to fight your ticket without the help of a traffic ticket attorney, you must attend ALL court dates. Failure to do so results in a D6 suspension, and if it’s a criminal ticket, an arrest warrant.
Our Florida Suspended License Lawyer Can Help You
While having a suspended license is a serious matter, our experienced traffic ticket law firm can help.
At TicketFit, our traffic attorney will determine the reason for your suspension and help you reinstate your license. In most cases, we can clear your license suspension with the DHSMV within 24 to 48 hours.
Don’t delay, call us now at (305) 775-3720 or email us for a free consultation!