¿Ticket de Transito por Manejar Descuidadamente en Florida?

manejar decuidadamente

En TicketFit, nuestro abogado de tránsito ha ganado miles de tickets por manejo descuidado en Florida. Y si bien es una infracción común, no la pague y reciba puntos en su licencia, ¡siga leyendo!

Qué es Conducir Descuidadamente

Según el Estatuto 316.1925 de Florida, debe conducir de una “manera prudente” o recibirá un ticket de tráfico por “careless driving.”

Y aunque la definición de conducción descuidada es amplia, algunos ejemplos incluyen el cambio de carril sin señalizar, seguir demasiado de cerca a otro carro, o en casos de accidentes.

No importa la razón, nunca debe poner en riesgo su licencia de conducir ni su seguro al pagar ese ticket.

Sanciones por Manejar Descuidadamente

La conducción descuidada se castiga con una multa de $179 y 3 puntos en su record de manejo; cuatro puntos si ocurrió un accidente.

Los puntos no solo pueden suspender su licencia, sino que su compañía de seguros puede usarlos para aumentar sus primas o negarle la cobertura.

Nuestro Abogado de Tickets de Transito Lo Ayuda

Debido a que pagar un ticket de tráfico es una admisión de culpa, siempre debes luchar contra ella. Pelear su ticket es la única forma de reducir o eliminar la multa y evitar los puntos.

Ahora, si se siente cómodo con la idea de ir a la corte para impugnar su ticket de tránsito, siga las instrucciones en el folleto para solicitar una cita en la corte. Una vez que su audiencia esté programada, no olvide asistir. De lo contrario, siempre puede llamar a nuestro abogado experimentado en tickets de tránsito para obtener ayuda.

¡En TicketFit, nuestro abogado desestima tickets de “careless driving” más del 90% del tiempo!

No se demore, llámenos al (305) 775-3720 o envíenos un correo electrónico para una consulta gratuita. Garantizamos no puntos en su historial de manejo o le devolvemos su dinero.

Got a Careless Driving Ticket in Florida?

careless driving ticket

At TicketFit, our traffic ticket lawyer has handled thousands of careless driving tickets in Florida. And while it is a common traffic offense, don’t just pay that ticket and get points on your record, read on!

What is a Careless Driving

Under Florida Statute 316.1925 you must drive in a “careful and prudent manner” or you will get a traffic ticket.

And while the definition of careless driving is broad, examples include weaving through traffic, following too closely, or after an accident if the police believed you were to blame.

No matter the reason, you should never put your driver’s license and insurance at risk by paying that traffic ticket.


Careless driving is punishable by a $179 fine and 3 points on your driving record. Four points if an accident occurred.

Points do not only suspend your license, but your insurance company can use them to increase your premiums or deny you coverage.

RELATED: Florida Point System & License Suspension Guide

Don’t Pay the Ticket, Fight It

Because paying a traffic ticket in Florida is an admission of guilt, you should always fight it. Fighting your traffic ticket is the only way to reduce or eliminate the fine and avoid the points.

RELATED: 3 Reasons to Fight Your Florida Careless Driving Ticket

Now If you are comfortable with the idea of going to court to contest your traffic ticket, follow the instructions on the pamphlet to request a court date. Once your hearing is scheduled, don’t forget to attend. Otherwise, you can always call our experienced traffic ticket attorney for help.

At TicketFit, our attorney dismisses careless driving tickets over 90% of the time!

Don’t delay, give us a call at (305) 775-3720 or email us for a free consultation. We guarantee no points on your driving record or your money back!

Reckless Driving vs Careless Driving in Florida Explained

reckless driving florida

At TicketFit, our traffic ticket lawyer has fought both reckless driving and careless driving tickets in Florida. And while they are often confused, there is a huge difference between these two traffic violations.

What is “Careless Driving” in Florida?

Under Florida Statute 316.1925 you must drive in a “careful and prudent manner” or you’ll get a ticket for careless driving.

RELATED: Got a Careless Driving Ticket in Florida?

Examples include speeding, weaving through traffic, or tailgating. You can also be cited if you were involved in an accident and the officer blamed you.

Penalties for Careless Driving

Careless driving is punishable by a minimum fine of $179 and 3 points on your driving record. Four points if it resulted in an accident.

RELATED: Always Fight Your Florida Careless Driving Ticket!

Points not only increase your insurance rates, but can also suspend your driver’s license.

What is “Reckless Driving” in Florida?

Under Florida Statute 316.192 if you drive in a “willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property” you will receive a ticket for reckless driving.

As used in the statute, “willful” means intentional, knowing, and purposeful. While “wanton” means with a conscious and intentional indifference to consequences and with knowledge that damage is likely to be done to persons or property.

Examples include racing, weaving in and out of traffic while speeding, and fleeing the police.

Unlike careless driving, reckless driving is a criminal traffic offense with severe penalties. If you are cited with reckless driving, you could face license suspension, fines, and jail time.

Penalties for Reckless Driving

The penalties will depend on the number of prior reckless driving tickets you have had, and whether there was property damage or injury.

  • First offense with no injury or property damage: Up to 90 days in jail, a $500 fine, and 4 points on your driving record.
  • Second or subsequent charge: Up to 6 months in jail, a $1,000 fine, and 4 points.
  • With property damage or injury:  Up to 1 year in jail, a $1,000 fine, and license suspension.
  • With serious injury: Up to 5 years in prison, a $5,000 fine, and license suspension.

Our Florida Traffic Ticket Attorney Can Help You!

If you have received a traffic ticket for reckless or careless driving, contact our experienced traffic ticket attorney for help.

At TicketFit, our traffic ticket attorney will fight to reduce or eliminate the penalties of your traffic ticket. Don’t delay, call us now at (305) 775-3720 or email us for a free consultation.

Always Fight Your Florida Careless Driving Ticket!

careless driving ticket

Under Florida Statute 316.1925 you must drive in a “careful and prudent manner” or you will get a careless driving ticket.

Examples of carelessness include weaving through traffic, tailgating, and speeding. And the most common reason, after an accident if the police blamed you.

But before you pay that ticket and get points on your driving record, here are three reasons you should fight it:

1. Accident reports are not admissible

Does the accident report say that you were at fault? It doesn’t matter. Florida Statute 316.066(4) states that the report can’t be “used as evidence in any trial.”

In other words, the accident report is not allowed in traffic court.

2. The officer did not witness the accident

In almost every case the officer did not witness the accident. So they are unable to testify against you in court.

Hence, the only way a careless driving ticket can stick is through the testimony of other witnesses at the scene.

3. Most people have never testified in court

While police officers testify in court all the time, most people never see the inside of a courtroom. Let alone have to testify in one.

In most cases, a witness may not remember what happened, may confuse the facts, or they may not even show up to court.

Our Florida Careless Driving Ticket Attorney Can Help You

It is clear to see that without an accident report, a testifying officer, or a convincing witness, a careless driving ticket can often be dismissed. In fact, at TicketFit, our traffic ticket attorney beats these tickets over 90% of the time!

Related: Got a Traffic Ticket for Careless Driving in Florida?

So if you have received a careless driving ticket don’t pay it, call us now at (305) 775-3720 or email us for help. We guarantee no points, no school, and a high probability of getting your case dismissed.